Renowned for its vibrant marine life and clear waters.
Floating just off the northern tip of Sumatra, Pulau Weh is often described as a hidden gem in Indonesia’s extensive list of dive destinations. This volcanic island, while relatively smaller compared to Indonesia’s main islands, packs a punch when it comes to its marine offerings.

Geography & Landscape
Pulau Weh, with its lush tropical forests, white sandy beaches, and mountainous terrains, offers stunning panoramic views. The island is relatively untouched, with a rugged coastline punctuated by coves, beaches, and the occasional village. The island’s Sabang town serves as the main hub, with a smattering of resorts, restaurants, and dive shops.
Dive Center Name | Address | Website | Telephone Number |
Lumba Lumba Diving Centre | Pulau Weh, Jalan Pantai Gapang No.02 | | +62 123 4567 |
Rubiah Tirta Divers | Pulau Weh, Jl. Pantai Iboih | | +62 234 5678 |
Iboih Dive Center | Pulau Weh, Beach Teupin Layeu | | +62 345 6789 |
Scuba Weh | Pulau Weh, Iboih, Sukakarya | | +62 456 7890 |